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한강유역 (漢江流域) 어류중의 중금속 분포에 관한 연구
Distribution of Heavy Metals in Fresh - Water Fishes in Han River
홍사욱 , 홍종록 ( Sa Uk Hong , Jong Rog Hong )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-450-002261365

A study on the distribution of heavy metals in the tissues of the fresh-water fishes was proceeded. The samples of fresh-water fishes were collected from the Han River during June and September in 1981. The species of fresh-water fishes were selected 3 species such as Carsscus auratus, Parasilurus asotus and Pseudogobio escinus and the sampling areas were choice 3 sites take into account for a habitat, near Kimpo bridge in main Han River, near Yeoju up in South Han River and near Cheongpyeong Dam in the North Han River. After classifing each species. the muscle, skeleton, bronchia, liver and kidney were ectomyzed from those fishes, and than the content of heavy metals, copper, lead and cadmium in each ectomyzed tissue were analyzed by flameless method of Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The results are summarized as follows. On the whole, the content of copper, lead and cadmium in the tissues of the Carossius auratus were shown higher than the others. The contents of cadmium only in the muscle and bronchia of the Parasilurus asotus were shown higher than that of carassius auratus. Ingeneral, the copper in the liver, the lead in the skeleton and the cadmium in the kidney were found especially higher as comparison with other tissues. on the contrary, the content of copper, lead and cadmium in the muscle were found lower than the other tissues. As regarding to the each collecting site, the contents of copper, lead and cadmium in those fishes collecting near Kimpo bridge in Han River were shown higher values than the other 2 sites.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]