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초기 개신교 한글 성서와 찬송가
A Bibliographic Study on the Korean Early Protestant Bible and Hymnal
오용섭 ( Oh Yong-seob )
사회과학연구 11권 1호 185-209(25pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2021-300-000965556

존 로스가 번역하여 중국 심양에서 1882년에 발간된 한글 최초의 성서인 『예수셩교 누가복음젼셔』와 1887년에 발행된 최초의 한글 신약전서인 『예수셩교젼셔』, 우리나라 사람이 최초로 번역하여 일본 요코하마에서 발간된 『신약마가젼 복음셔언□』, 대영성서공회와 미국성서공회가 함께 발간한 최초의 한글 구약성서인 『구약젼셔』, 장로교와 감리교가 연합하여 1908년에 발간한 최초의 통합 찬송가집인 『찬숑가』 등은 개신교의 성서, 찬송가이면서 또 개화기에 한글을 보급한 역할을 인정받아 2016-2017년에 등록문화재가 되었다. 이제 이들은 국가가 보존과 관리를 위해 지원해야 될 우리의 문화유산이 된 것이다. 이 연구에서는 서지적 특징을 중심으로 이들을 살폈다.

『Yesu Syeonggyo Nugabogum Jyeonsyeo』(Luke in Korean) is the First Korean Bible. It was translated by John Ross and published at Shenyang, China in 1882. 『Yesu Syeonggyo Jyeonsyeo』 is the First Korean New Testament. It was translated by John Ross and published at Shenyang, China in 1887. 『Sinyak Magajyeon Bokeumsyeo Eonhae』(Mark in Korean) is the First Korean Bible translated by a Korean. It was translated by Lee Sujeong and published at Yokohama, Japan in 1885. 『Guyak Jyeonsyeo』is the First Korean Old Testament. It was published by The British and Foreign Bible Society and The American Bible Society at Yokohama, Japan in 1911. 『Chan Syong ka』(a hymnal) is the First Korean integrate hymnal. It was published by The Korean Council of Methodist and Presbyterian Church at Yokohama, Japan in 1908. The Bible and Hymnal of Protestantism were recognized to have made the Korean language more popular in the Age of Civilization. These books were registered as cultural properties in 2016-2017 by the Cultural Heritage Administration. These books have become Korean cultural heritage and will have to be protected and supported by our country. In this paper I have researched the bibliographic characters of these books.

1. 서 언
2. 한글 성서
3. 한글 찬송가
4. 결언
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]