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KCI 후보
사건의 개념과 갈래 -서술 층위를 중심으로-
Concept and Classification of the Events
최시한 ( Choe Si-han )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2021-800-000443192

This paper proposes what sort of event types should be established as a core concept for novels and narratives and how to classify various tokens of them by a discourse level. This helps to attain a necessary tool to analyse/describe what kind of event modes are actually represented in a novel. Events are defined a‘s a ultimate unit of action or happening which brings about a situation and then change it so as to form a unified whole-in-one story with a coherent linkage. It develops dynamically to converge other meaningful unit of conflicts. This is summarized DOES Statements’ in which they can be divided into the two levels with some degree of abstraction or universal context of cultures involved : surface-events and deep-events. It can further be classified, with axis of time and narrative mode,into single discourse events and multiple discourse events, or scenic events and summative events. With expression technique and narrative function altogether, we can also group them according to whether they are direct events or indirect events. Completion of information and logical flows, in addition, distinguish explicit events from vague ones, The topic on ordering of narration time needs to be included to match with the elements of story level so far discussed, which shall be the next project to be done.

1. 머리말
2. 사건의 개념과 요약
3. 서술 층위에서의 사건의 갈래
4. 맺음말
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]