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KCI 등재
인문,사회과학편 : 춤 움직임의 존재론적 해석과 현재성에 관한 의미 연구
A Study of Ontological Analysis and Actual Meaning about Dance Movement
황미숙(MiSookHwang) , 윤희철(HeeChulYun)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2021-600-000285427

We live by ourselves in the world with culture and each other's ego is formed by culture and modern that means time and space of history. Thus, culture and life-world sometimes make individuals to lost their independence and subjectivity. Inevitably, we express our experience for escaping out of suppressed situations. As result of that, it processes that individuals need to feel to move as free by grafting mediators of environment. And we also feel that this process indulge ourselves in expressing perceived emotion. This study is to state that individual's ego is related to other's in life-world through dance on view point of social relationship. Dance has ontological view as movement of revealed body. Hence, the matrix of dance is based on play culture, which consider that leisure from relation and origin is understood by overall position. Movement is performed by revelation of spirit and movement from dance has a whole shape with technique and skill related to arts. Activity that solve problem about desire is based on the result of movement. Therefore, Ontological physical movement on historical view is expression activity linked with ego and culture identity of dance movement. The relationship between movement and perception of ego and intrinsic identity are closely connected with exchangeable and adaptable existence. Therefore, movement as expression activity in continued time and space is reasonable activity of ego and shaped activity. And physical movement in dance is involved in ontological view linked with actual meaning in modern society.


무용에서의 존재론적 신체

춤의 현재성과 문화와의 관계


[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]