This study examined about the Gwangju Folly designed by 10 well-known international architects during the Gwangju Design Biennale which was perceived by citizens. The results were as follows. The recognition of Gwangju Folly was examined on the assumption that college students were higher than the public and of college students, students in the architectural engineering department were the highest. Among the college students about 61 % were of architecture students and 14% were of other departments. According to the questionnaire survey among the interviewers half of them responded average and 2/3 of the respondent (both architecture students and students of other departments) also answered average. A reason of dissatisfaction depends on their type, a place, or a use. Both architecture student and students of other departments had a great hope and practical knowledge on the Gwangju Folly. Therefore, Gwangju Folly should be changed from the visual place to be watched or pass through to the event pace to enjoy and create new urban culture.