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KCI 등재
PSM 제도의 효율적 개선방안 -장외영향평가제도와 위해관리계획서와의 비교분석을 중심으로-
A Reasonal Improvement Method for the Effective PSM System -Focused on the Comparative Analysis of Off-site Consequence Analysis and Risk Management Plan-
권우택 ( Woo-taeg Kwon ) , 성승환 ( Seung-hwan Sung ) , 갈원모 ( Won-mo Gal )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-500-000685552

Domestic petrochemical-based industries in order to prevent major industrial accidents since 1996, introduced the PSM(Process Safety Management) system, KOSHA (Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency) divided into P, S, M+, M- grade through the validation and verification grade and then Ministry of Employment and Labor has been checking the implementation status of PSM workplace. According to the national audit submissions, P, S grade workplace accounted 19 of 27 dead(70%) over the last three years major industrial accidents. Regard of this study is the main basis of comparison, the analysis of the PSM system and relevant summary of the issue through the opinions of site engineer with a detailed review of the existing research results, management plan attempts to organize and comparison with similar off-site consequence analysis and risk management plan to compare the differences and features. For an in-depth investigation to conduct a survey and interview survey of experts, including representatives of the PSM consulting agency find out the problems of the PSM system, we propose a reasonable improvement method for effective PSM system.

1. 서 론
2. 본 론
3. PSM 제도와 장외 영향평가와 위해관리계획서 심층 비교
4. PSM 제도의 문제점과 개선방안
5. 결 론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]