A shaking table test was conducted at the E-Defense shaking table facility to investigate the damage and collapse behavior of a steel high-rise building under exceedingly large ground motions. The specimen is a one-third scale 18-story steel moment frame designed and constructed according to design specifications and practices used in the 1980s and 1990s. The shaking table tests used a long-duration, long-period ground motion simulated for a sequential Tokai, Nankai, and Nankai earthquake scenario. The building specimen was subjected to a series of progressively increasing scaled motions until it completely collapsed. The damage to the steel frame began through the yielding of beams along lower stories and column bases of the first story. After several excitations by increasing scaled motions, cracks initiated at the welded moment connections and fractures in the beam flanges spread to the lower stories. As the shear strength of each story decreased, the drifts of lower stories increased and the frame finally collapsed and settled on the supporting frame. From the test, a typical progression of collapse for a tall steel moment frame was obtained, and the hysteretic behavior of steel structural members including deterioration due to local buckling and fracture were observed. The results provide important information for further understanding and an accurate numerical simulation of collapse behavior.