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KCI 후보
위 불쾌감, 학습된 음식 거부와 식욕이 음식 신공포증과 음식 거절의 관계에 미치는 매개효과 평가
Mediating Effects of Nausea, Learned Food Aversion, and Appetite on the Relationship between Food Neophobia and Food Rejection
강종헌, 고범석

The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating role of nausea, learned food aversion, and appetite on the relationship between food neophobia and food rejection. A total of 250(122 healthy males and 128 healthy females) questionnaires were completed. Path analytic model was used to measure the mediating effect. Results of the study demonstrated that the path analytic result for the data also indicated excellent model fit. Furthermore, the mediating analysis indicated that the influence of food neophobia was mediated by mediator. The effect of food neophobia on appetite was perfectly mediated by nausea and learned food aversion. In the contests of general food rejection, the effect of food neophobia on food rejection was perfectly mediated by appetite. It should be noted that the original model was modified and should, preferably, be validated in future research.
