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내재해성이 우수한 비닐하우스 부재의 단면형상 및 구조시스템에 관한 연구
A Study on the Shape of Section in Member and Stress Tolerant Structural System in the Frame of Green Houses
심종석, 한덕전

The damage of greenhouse has been increasing due to frequent collapse of frame in greenhouse caused by the heavy snow and strong wind. But, greenhouses are constructed by steel tube members of pipe style and pin connection of them, so these greenhouses are very weak. Therefore, this study was carried out to find the type of member section and structural frame system in stress tolerant greenhouses. The modeling types for analysis were designed in accordance with structural frame configuration and member section in greenhouse. These types of models, which are existing type, diagrid type, symmetric and asymmetric section type of frame member in greenhouse were classified. Displacement analysis varying the vertical and horizontal loads for a series of models was carried out. As a result of this paper, it was verified that the structural frame configuration of diagrid type and asymmetric type of member section is better than existing type in the frame of greenhouses against snow loads and wind loads.
