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KCI 등재
Performance Comparison of Manual and Touch Interface using Video-based Behavior Analysis
Lee, Chai-Woo, Bahn, Sang-Woo, Kim, Ga-Won, Yun, Myung-Hwan
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5143/JESK.2010.29.4.655

The objective of this study is to quantitatively incorporate user observation into usability evaluation of mobile interfaces using monitoring techniques in first- and third-person points of view. In this study, an experiment was conducted to monitor and record users' behavior using Ergoneers Dikablis, a gaze tracking device. The experiment was done with 2 mobile phones each with a button keypad interface and a touchscreen interface for comparative analysis. The subjects included 20 people who have similar experiences and proficiency in using mobile devices. Data from video recordings were coded with Noldus Observer XT to find usage patterns and to gather quantitative data for analysis in terms of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction. Results showed that the button keypad interface was generally better than the touchcreen interface. The movements of the fingers and gaze were much simpler when performing given tasks on the button keypad interface. While previous studies have mostly evaluated usability with performance measures by only looking at task results, this study can be expected to contribute by suggesting a method in which the behavioral patterns of interaction is evaluated.
