국내산 인상흑연정광의 리튬이온전지 소재로서 활용을 위해 고강도 혼합기를 이용하여 구형화 실험 후 건식분급을 진행하여 각 산물에 대한 구형화도와 입도를 분석하였다. 3,000 rpm의 로터속도에서는 정광시료와 산물의 입도와 구형화도의 차이가 관찰되지 않았으나, 로터속도를 6,000 rpm, 10,000 rpm 12,000 rpm으로 조절하여 구형화도 실험을 진행한 결과, 로터속도와 구동시간의 증가에 따라 구형화도는 증가하고 입도는 감소하였다. 로터속도 12,000 rpm에서 10분간 구동한 결과, 구형화도는 0.870으로부터 0.936까지 증가하였다. 구형화실험 후 건식분급을 진행하였을 때 조립자의 구형화도는 0.947까지 증가하였고 SEM 결과에서 구형입자가 확인되어 구형화가 성공적으로 이루어졌다고 판단되었다.
The circularity and particle size distribution of products obtained from dry classification after circularity tests using a high-intensity mixer were investigated to evaluate the use of domestic graphite concentrate as a lithium-ion battery material. At a rotor sp eed of 3 ,000 rpm, the p article size and c ircularity o f the concentrated sample and p roduct were unchanged. The circularity increased and particle size decreased when the rotor speeds were increased to 6,000 rpm, 10,000 rpm, and 12,000 rpm and the operating time was increased. For instance, the circularity increased from 0.870 to 0.936 when the rotor speed was increased from 3,000 rpm to 12,000 rpm for an operating time of 10 min. After the circularity test, dry classification was performed, wherein the circularity of the coarse particles was found to have increased to 0.947. Round particles were observed in the SEM images, indicating that high circularity was successfully achieved.