The purpose of this study was to examines the effect of Octacosanol plus Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAA)
compared to only Octacosanol administration on blood lipid and anaerobic leg strength power in sprinter. The subjects
of this study were 10 athletes hight school male and all subjects were involved in each test. The 10 athletes high school
male subjects randomized in to three group (Placebo, Octacosanol, Octacosanol+BCAA). The Octacosanol (40 mg,
10 mg × 4/day) was administration for 7days and BCAA were compose L-valine 40%, L-leucine 35%, L-isoleucine
25%. The parameters related to the anaerobic leg strength power were measured through ISOMED2000 (German). The
subject who engaged in the isokinetic exercised at 30% of 1RM (5 repetitions). The assessment of anaerobic leg
strength power factor was in concentric flexors and extensor of right and left knee joint (peak torque, average power).
The blood lipid were TC (Total Cholesterol), LDL-C (Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol), HDL-C (High Density
Lipoprotein Cholesterol) and TG (Triglyceride). The results were as follows. The blood lipid were showed only
Octacosanol administration (LDL-C; p < .05, TC; p < .01) and Octacosanol + BCAA simultaneous administration (TC;
p < .01) significantly decreased than Placebo. The anaerobic power were showed Octacosanol + BCAA simultaneous
administration (Peak Torque = right extensor p < .05; left extensor p < .05, Average power = right flexor; p < .01)
significantly increased than Placebo, but not different only Octacosanol administration. It was concluded that both only
Octacosanol administration and Octacosanol+BCAA simultaneous administration had positive effects on blood lipid
profiles and anaerobic power in sprinter.
An element a in a ring R is called left morphic if R/Ra = l(a). A ring R is called left morphic if every element is left morphic. In this paper, an element a in a ring R is called left -morphic (resp. left G-morphic) if there exists a positive number n such that an (resp. an 6= 0) is left morphic. A ring R is called left -morphic (resp.left G-morphic) if every element is left -morphic (resp. left G-morphic). The Morita invariance of left -morphic (resp. left G-morphic) rings is discussed. Several relevant properties are proved. In particular, it is shown that a left Noetherian ring R with M4(R) left G-morphic or M2(R) left morphic is QF. Some known results of left morphic rings are extended to left G-morphic rings and left -morphic rings.