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살균제 Tricyclazole 에 대한 안전성 평가 (Ⅰ)
Originals : Evaluation for Safety of Tricyclazole (Ⅰ)
황인영 , 최의주 , 노정구 ( In Young Hwang , Eui Ju Choi , Jung Koo Roh )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002480454

Tricyclazole을 수확전 90∼40일에 2∼3회 처리한 작물과 토양중에서의 수확시 잔류되는 tricyclazole의 양은 각각 현미가 0.37∼0.46ppm, 백미가 0.29∼0.39ppm, 볏짚이 0.14∼0.30ppm및 토양이 0.15∼0.19ppm이었다. 담수조건하에서의 tricyclazole의 분해 양상은 처리후 2∼3주까지 비교적 빠른 속도로 분해가 진행되다가 그 이후로는 안전한 속도로 분해되었으며 그 때의 반감기는 140∼180일이었다. 또한 토양 미생물의 생균수에 미치는 영향은 거의 없었으며 Salmonella, Saccharomyces 등을 이용한 돌연변이성 유무 실험에서는 대조구와 별차이가 없었다.

Fate of tricyclazole in rice paddy system was studied. The effect on soil microorganism as well as the mutagenicity of the compound was also examined. The residues of tricyclazole in crops and soil with two times application before harvest were 0.37 in unpolished rice, 0.29 in polished rice, 0.14 in rice straw, and 0.15 ppm in paddy soil. With three times of application the residues were increased to 0.46, 0.39, and 0.19 ppm, respectively. Until 2∼3 weeks after treatment of pesticide the degradation of tricyclazole was progressed comparatively but very slowly afterward and the half life of that was about 140∼180 days. There was no effect for viable count of soil microorganisms and for mutagenic test by Salmonella and Saccharomyces systems.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]