잉어에 의한 두 가지 有機燐系 살충제의 生物濃縮을 追求하기 위하여 실험실 조건하에서 수행한 실험결과 는 다음과 같다.
1) Diazinon과 fenitrothion의 1 ppm농도에서 잉어에 의한 生物濃縮係數는 24시간후에 각각 31과 57이었다. 이 係數는 잉어의 部位에 따라 달리 나타났는 바 內臟>기타 부위>아가미>筋肉의 순서로 나타났다.
2) 잉어를 fenitrothion의 세가지 농도에 28일간 노출시킨 결과 生物濃縮係數는 96∼138로 나타났는 바 水中농도가 높을수록 적게 나타났다. Fenitrothion의 生體內 濃縮은 계속적으로 일어났으며 組織內 농도가 약 3.5ppm에서 平衡에 도달하였다.
A freshwater fish carp(Cyprinus carpio) was exposed to two organophosphorus insecticides in laboratory to investigate the potential of its bioconcentration. The results are summarized as follows: Bioconcentration factor of diazinon and fenitrothion after 24-hour exposure at 1 ppm concentration was 31 and 57, respectively, for the whole fish. The factor varied among different tissues of the fish in the decreasing order of viscera>rests>gills>muscle. When the fish was exposed to fenitrothion for 28 days at three different concentrations of 6, 30 and 150 ppb, bioconcentration factor in the whole fish ranged from 96 to 138, with a decreasing tendency at higher water concentration. The pesticide was continuously absorbed by the fish, but reaching an equilibrium at the tissue concentration of about 3.5 ppm.