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토양 - 식물계에 대한 방사성핵종의 거동에 관한 연구 - Ⅰ. 대두작물에 의한 Cs - 137 의 흡수이행 -
Originals : Studies on the Behaviour of Radionuclides in the Soil - Plant System - 1) On the Uptake of Cesium - 137 by Soybean -
류준 , 김재성 , 이영일 ( Joon Ryu , Jae Sung Kim , Young Il Lee )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-001817248

原子力施設에서 放出될 수 있는 주요 核種中에서 Cs^(137)을 인위적으로 土壤에 處理하여 作物體에 吸收, 移行 및 濃縮關係를 究明하고자 pot(土壤10㎏)當 0.5∼60 μCi로 處理한 후 大豆를 栽培하여 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1) 供試된 Cs^(l37)의 上記 處理濃度에서는 大豆作物의 生長沮害 영향을 볼 수 없었다. 2) 處理濃度 增加에 따라 大豆作物의 Cs^(137)吸收는 增加하였으나 K含量은 減少하였으므로 두 이온間의 拮抗性을 보였다. 3) 生育時期別 吸收量은 pod 形成期까지는 增加하다 收穫期에는 減少하는 경향을 보였고 種實에 비해 莖葉部에 높은 蓄積을 보였다. 4) 大豆作物의 Cs^(137) 吸收率은 0.069∼0.005의 범위로 Cs^(137)處理濃度에 따라서 減少하였고, 移行率은 平均 38.6%였고, 種實에의 濃縮係數 또한 濃度의 增加에 따라 減少하였으며 20 μCi 處理區를 基準으로 할 경우 농축계수는 0.04 였다.

The present study was carried out to determine the effect of a radionuclide, cesium-137, in soybean, which is an element released usually from nuclear facilities. Soybean plants were grown on the pots treated with cesium-137 0.5∼60 μCi/10 ㎏ soil and the uptake, translocation and accumulation of the radiocesium in the plant parts were measured at different growth stage. The results are summarized as follows: 1) Visual toxic symptoms on the plants due to treatment of radioactive cesium were not observed up to 60 μCi/10 kg soil in a pot. 2) The uptake of cesium-137 in soybean plant was increased with increment of concentration applied, while the uptake of potassium was proportionally decreased, indicating to have an ion antagonistic relationship between them. 3) The absolute amounts of cesium-137 in the plants were gradually increased by the pod setting stage, but rather reduced at harvesting stage. The accumulation occurred more in the leaves and stems than the soybean seeds. 4) The rate of uptake was ranged from 0.069 to 0.005 with proportional decrease by increasing concentration applied and the rate of Cs-137 translocation from plants to seeds was averaged 38.6% in soybean plant. The concentration coefficient was 0.04 in the soybean seeds from the pots treated with 20 μCi of cesium-137 and decreased with increment of cesium-137 applied.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]