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발암물질인 아플라톡신 G1 의 탈독소화 반응에 관한 연구
The Study on the Detoxification of Aflatoxin G1 in Cancer Compound
장향동 , 김래현 , 이수경 ( Hyang Dong Jang , Lae Hyun Kim , Su Kyung Lee )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-530-002066630
* 발행 기관의 요청으로 구매가 불가능한 자료입니다.

The Oxidation of aflatoxin G₁(AFG₁) with ozone in chloroform solvent gave the stable ozonide into ozonization of the double bond in the terminal furan ring, and this reaction have been carried out for 3hr at -78.5℃. The chloroform solvent was removed in a stream of nitrogen and the residue was separated by elution chromatography (EC). The structure of this compound have been identified by using MS, ¹H-NMR, ^(13)C-NMR and I.R spectroscopy, respectively. This compound was formed the normal stable AFG₁-ozonide into spontaneous rearrangement after unstable ozonide according to sigmatropic rearrangement dependent upon cyclo addition by ozone.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]