The aim of this study is that HPMA(Hazard Potentials in My Areas) System is to present for establishment of the voluntary safety management on industrial region. HPMA System itself means that manager, supurvisor and worker on process-line find out the hazardous and/or unsafe potentials from their work. places and make the plan of improvement by means of mutual communication with top manager and the department of safety staff, eventually put in the practice. In case that it takes the longer time to improve hazard potentials and is impossible improvement by existing technique, appropriate check-list will be used by the worker himself on the identified production line. Form this system, therefore, it makes them to get more and more sensitivity to the hazards. In this study, we present the voluntary safety management system which is controlable systematically and in the final analysis the direction of safety management by computerization of HPMA System which is activated in their work places.