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계면활성제첨가에 의한 흡수용액내의 열 및 물질이동해석
Numerical Analysis of Heat and Mass Transfer in the Absorbent By Surfactant Addition
이동호 , 서정윤 , 백목효부 ( Dong Ho Lee , Jeng Youn Seo , Heo Boo Back Mok )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-530-002069580
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To better understand the phenomena inside an absorber, where heat and mass transfer coexist, this study selected the most basic absorption model from in which water vapor is absorbed on the surface of a stationary lithium bromide absorbent solution. The purpose of this study is to obtain basic knowledge of heat and mass transfer processes as affected by Marangoni convection induced by addition of surfactant. We apply a non-flowing bulk absorption model and assume that dropwise surfactant is fixed on the absorbent surface. Four governing equation-continuity, laminar monentum, energy and diffusion-are solved numerically to obtain temperature and concentraion distributions during steam absorption with Marangoni convection in conclusion, Sh and Nu genrally increase at the initial absorption stage.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]