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고능률 가공에서 연삭온도에 미치는 연삭조건의 영향
Influence of Operating Condition on Grinding Temperature in High Effect Grinding
김남경 , 강대민 , 송지복 ( Nam Kyung Kim , Dae Min Kang , Ji Bok Song )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-530-002069979
* 발행 기관의 요청으로 구매가 불가능한 자료입니다.

In this paper, the influence of the table speed, metal removal rate and grinding fluid on long wheel workpiece contact zone at high effect grinding was investigated by theoretical analyses and measuring the temperature, and discussed by the temperature distribution in grinding surface layer. Main results obtained are as follows, 1) Regardless of the table speed, the temperature gap of the workpiece(heat influx) is about 6-8 times as high in dry condition as in wet condition. 2) Good grinding condition can be obtained owing to the effect of grinding fluid without any burning defect under the condition of the metal removal rate(1.0㎣/㎜.s) in cases of wet grinding. 3) When the depth from the surface layer is about 1.25-1.5㎜ under the condition of the slow table speed, surface temperature goes up higher as the table speed slows down, because long contact time is taked at the surface layer. 4) In case of the same metal removal rate, the lower the table speed becomes, the higher the surface temperature is, because grinding depth has a far more influence on wheel workpiece contact zone than the table speed.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]