The effective production executive knows the value of organization. He realizes fully that no objective can be attained, whether it be for production, inspection, training, seling, or accident prevention without The effective production executive knows the value of organization. He realizes fully that no objective can be attained, whether it be for production, inspection, training, seling, or accident prevention without organization, and that an objective of accident. prevention or elimination does not come about unless all levels of the organization are "turned in" toward that objective. Objective organization goes beyond merely the drawing of lines. It attempts to create, first, the lines of authority, and second, the means that will bring about the objective to be attained. With these principles in mind, we can well appreciate that a reduction in accidents cannot be attained without organization, and that organization itself is without effect unless it has the complete support and interest of "top management." More and more far-sighted executives are becoming convinced that they must maintain organized effort for the prevention of accidents. They increasingly realize that accident prevention is also a good, sound business policy. A few musts should be considered before we discuss specific plans for safety organization: AREA OF RESPONSIBILITY FOR ORGANIZATION POLICY MAKERS Top management, giving leadership and executive drive. EXECUTIVE The execution of the policy in the establishment of the type of organization, executive meetings, tec. by superintendents and staff heads. SUPERVISORY Carrying out in practice-inspection training, education, mechanical safeguarding, etc. by foremen, supervisors, and other staff personnel. EMPLOYEES Those affected by policy, procedure and practice. From the foregoing, it is evident that the major part of safety work and education must be done by the regular organization. We may (making allowances for variations in detail) classify safety organizations in three general types, namely: A) Those in which the safety work is carried on wholly through the line organization. B) Those in which the safety work is directed by a safety director reporting to a major executive. C) Those in which safety work is carried an primarily by committees set up for the purpose.