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중국산 (中國産) 인편성황갈조식물에 (鱗片性黃褐藻植物) 대한 연구
Studies on Scale - bearing Chrysophyta in the P. R. china
이호원 , 이상명 ( Ho Won Lee , Sang Myong Lee )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-450-002255183

The silica-scaled Chrysophyta from Tianjin, Beijing, Harbin, Jilin, Mt. Paektu and Shenyang in the P. R. China have been studied by means of electron microscope. 28 taxa of five genera were found; 9 taxa of Mallomonas, 2 taxa of Synura, 1 taxa of Chrysosphaerella, 3 taxa of Spiniferomonas and 13 taxa of Paraphysomonas. 9 taxa of them are new to the P.R. China.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]