The taxa of benthic macroinvertebrates in the upper region of the Cheungam stream was composed of 76 species, 61 genus, 41 families, 13 orders, 4 classes in 3 phyla. Among them, aquatic inserts containing 71 species (93%) were the major group. According to order, Ephemeroptera containing 26 species was abundant, and Trichoptera containing 19 species, Plecoptera 13 species an? Diptera 11 species were the major taxa. The seasonal species number of collected specimens was most numerous in spring (57 species) and similar in other seasons (41∼44 species). On the one-to-one propotion, Ephemeroptera were the highest (52%), and Trichoptera was 19%, Diptera 16%, Plecoptera 9%. DOminant Species were Epeorus, Cincticostella castanea, Serratella rufa and Hydropsyche belonging to Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera. Dominant indices ranged from 0.34∼1.00. Species diversity indices showed 0.00∼3.82. According to saprobic system based on the species diversity indices, water quality was evaluated to be oligosaprobic and β-mesosaprobics. The biological water quality as in biotic and pollution indices was evaluated oligosaprobic in site 1, 2 and 6 and β-mesosaprobics in site 3, 4 and 5.