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철원 북방 DMZ 내의 중영양호 토교저수지의 생태학적 연구 - Ⅰ. 넷트로 제작된 mesocosm 에 대한 현장 시험 -
Ecological studies on Togyo Reservoir in Chulwon , Korea -Ⅰ. A field test for in situ aquatic net - enclosure mesocosm -
한명수 , 이경 , 유광일 ( Myung Soo Han , Kyung Lee , Kwang Il Yoo )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-450-002255885

Exploratory analysis of field derived data from in situ aquatic net-enclosure mesocosm and control stations, and the considerations for experimental design aquatic mesocosm were investigated in Togyo Reservoir at Chulwon, Korea. Physico-chemical parameters were measured and subsamples were collected weekly from surface layer of the each station from 5 November 1994 to 15 April 1995. Changing patterns for weekly fluctuation of phytoplankton biomass and relative dominant species within net enclosure(station N) were similar to the 2 control stations(Cl and C2), although nutrient concentrations had slightly different value at each stations during the study periods. Dominant species of phytoplankton changed dramatically from a Chlorococaloid(coccoid form) in autumn to dinoflagellate, Peridinium inconspicuum in spring at all stations. It has suggested that the field test for in situ aquatic net-enclosure mesocosmis successful for the ecological risk assessment. Trophic state of Togyo Reservoir according to its physicochemical parameters, phytoplankton biomass and species composition could be regarded as mesotrophic.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]