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대호 (大湖) 저수지 (貯水池) 퇴적토의 (堆積土) 탈질화 (脫窒化) 세균과 탈질화 (脫窒化) 작용능에 미치는 환경요인
The Environmental Factors Affecting the Variation of Denitrifying Bacteria and Potential in the Sediment of Lake Daeho
고유석 , 안태영 ( You Seak Go , Tae Young Ahn )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-450-002257763

The denitrifying potential and various environmental factors were investigated and the influence of environmental factors on the distribution of denitrifying bacteria and potential was analyzed through stepwise multiple regression in the sediment of lake Daeho. The N_2O production was measured with gas chromatography at in situ temperature by acetylene blockage method and the N_2O production rates were 0∼9.18㎍-N/g-dw/day. The genera that showed denitrification potential were identified as Pseudomonas, Corynebacterium, Flavobacterium, etc. It was shown through statistical analysis that the environmental factors affecting the variation of denitrifying bacteria and potential differed with stations. NO_3 was used as a terminal electron acceptor, however terminal electron acceptor could be changed by environmental factors.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]