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Enclosure 실험에 의한 환경요인이 소양호 식물플랑크톤 군집변화에 미치는 영향연구
A Study on the Change of Phytoplankton community in Lake Soyang by Control of Environmental Factors in the Enclosures
허우명 , 김범철 , 조규송 ( Woo Myung Heo , Bomchul Kim , Kyu Song Cho )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-450-002263061

Enclosures (1m diameter and 1.5m deep) established five at dam site during bloom of Peridinium bips in Lake Soyang. The changes of phytoplankton community were surveyed that the each enclosures controled by acid (pH 4.0 by HC1), CO_2(6.0∼7.01/min), aeration (21/min) and phosphate (0.1mg/1 by KH_2PO_4). The results indicated that Peridinium bipes appeared in the control and added phosphate bag all the time during the study periods. In addition, in the bag of added CO_2, Peridinium bipes disappeared during the adding CO_2, but it appeared again after stopped the adding CO_2. In added aeration and acid bag, Peridinium bipes was replaced with the Asterionella after a few days. And, although under the condition of low pH, acid bag after added the phosphate dominanted by Chlorophyte, Crytomonas of small cell size.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]