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금붕어에 미치는 카드뮴독성에 (毒性) 대한 홍삼추출물의 (紅蔘抽出物) 해독효과 (解毒效果) (Ⅱ) - 형청단백질에 (血淸蛋白質) 미치는 효과
Antitoxic Effect of Red Ginseng Extract on Cadmium Toxicity in Goldfish (Ⅱ) - Effect on Serum Protein -
이경애 ( Kyung Ae Lee )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-450-002259787

The antitoxic effect of red ginseng extract to cadmium toxicity on protein patterns and total protein content in the serum of goldfish, Carassius auratus, was investigated. Nine serum protein fractions appeared in the normal goldfish and 8 fractions except IgG appeared in the cadmium and cadmiumred ginseng groups. The amount of albumin, α₁-, β-globulin fractions were decreased and that of α₂-, γ-globulin fractions were increased in the cadmium and cadmium-red ginseng groups. The total serum protein content in the cadmium and cadmium-red ginseng groups were decreased in comparison with the control.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]