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한국산 (韓國産) 살치속 ( Genus Hemiculter ) 어류 2종의 학명과 (學名) 동정 (同定)
Scientific Name and Identification of Two Species of Genus Hemiculter ( Cyprinidae ) in Korea
김익수 , 이충렬 ( Ik Soo Kim , Chung Lyul Lee )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-450-002260611

Cultriculus kneri and C. eigenmanni previously described as genus Cultriculus were the junior synonym of Hemiculter leucisculus(Basilewsky) and H. eigenmanni (Jordan et Metz) respectively. Differences in the number of lateral line scales and gill rakers further distinguish these two species of the genus Hemiculter. Hemiculter leucisculus has distributed in the two rivers of the Han and the Imjin, and their around reservoirs, and H. eigenmanni has inhabited widely in the middle and lower courses of the Anso^˘ng-river (include the Suwon) , the Ku^˘ m, the Man` gyo^˘ng, the So^˘mjin, the Yo^˘ngsan rivers and their around reservoirs.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]