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동해안 (東海岸) 기수호에서의 (汽水湖) 요소 및 용존유기탄소 (溶存有機炭素) , 질소 (窒素) , 인에 (燐) 관하여
Urea , DOC , DON , and DOP in two brackish lagoons on the eastern coast of Korea
삼전촌서좌무 (三田村緖左武) , 조규송 ( Osamu Mitamura , Kyu Song Cho )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-450-002260984

Distribution of urea and dissolved organic matter were surveyed in the two brackish coastal lagoons, Hwajinpo and Yungrangho in August 1978. Concentration of urea was in the range of 0.5 to 3.9 ㎍-atN/ℓ and showed similar pattern of distribution to that of ammonia. The atomic ratio of dssolved organic carbon and dissolved organic nitrogen to dissolved organic phosphorus was 560 : 70 : 1 in Hwajinpo and 740 : 75 : 1 in Yungrangho. In both of the lagoons salinity did not show significant correlation with urea and dissolved organic matter. In the Yungrangho vertical distribution of dissolved oxygen concentration did not show significant correlation with DOC, DON. and. DOP, either. Comprising 0.15 to 1.37 percent of dissolved organic carbon and 2.9 to 20.9 percent of dissolved organic nitrogen, urea which is very susceptible to biological uptake and depletion as nitrogen source of phytoplankton seems to be an important constituent of, dissolved organic matter in brackish lagoons.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]