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낙동강의 (洛東江) 어류상에 관한 연구 - 2. 지리산일대의 (智異山一帶) 계류를 중심으로 -
Studies on the Fish Fauna From the Nakdong River - 2. On the Freshwater Fishes Living around Mt . Jiri -
주일영 , 김익수 , 고재명 ( Il Young Choo , Ik Soo Kim , Jae Myeong Ko )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-450-002261461

Freshwater fishes were investigated along the six stations of Nakdong River around Mt. Jiri from 1977 to 1979, and compared with the distribution of fishes in the adjacent waters. The collected species in this study were 27 species 23 genera 7 families, Common species of them were Puntungia herzi, Coreoleuciscus splendidus, Zacco temmincki, Liobagrus mediadioposalis, Coreoperca herzi, and Odontobutis obscura. 10 species which live in this waters are endemic species in Korea. Especially Cobitis rotundicaudata, Coreobagrus brevicorpus, and Niwaella multifasciata showing the limited geographical distribution should be taken care of. 7 species, Sarcocheilichthys wakiya, Culter brevicauda, C. rotundicaudata, C. longicorpus, Lefua costata, Coreobagrus brevicorpus and Lampetra reissneri were reported from this water for the first time, so this water area shall be reported at new geographical distribution areas. Mori`s divison of West Korea subdistrict and South Korea subdistrict can be supported from the following facts: 1) 5 endemic species, Gonoproktopterus mylodon, Gobiobotia macrocephalus, G. brevibarva, Pseudopuntungia nigra, and Cobitis koreensis living in the waters of the Geum and Han River, were not discovered from the waters of the Nagdong, Yeongsan, and Seomjin River, 2) Cobitis longicorpus and C. taenia striata live in the waters of the Nakdong and Seomjin River, and 2 species, Culter brevicauda and Niwaella multifasciata live only in the Nakdong River.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]