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환경구배에 (環境勾配) 따른 식물성 Plankton 의 정규분포반응에 (正規分布反應) 관한 연구
A Study on the Response of Normal Distribution of Phytoplankton on an Environmemtal Gradient
장남기 , 진창덕 ( Nam Kee Chang , Chang Deog Jin )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-450-002261663

Characteristics of normal curve were studied as a basis of the growth rate for interpreting the response of phytoplankton on environmental gradients. The relationship between the growth rate and the environmental gradients is described as (수식) where w`, m, Wm, X, μ, and δ are the growth rate, the sort of environmental factors, the maximum growth rate, the values of environmental gradients, the mean value of environmental gradients and the standard deviation, respectively. The quantative relationships between the growth rate and pH, and nitrogen concentration in a batch culture of Chlorella vulgaris were, respectively, (수식) and (수식)

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]