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한국산 (韓國産) 모시목의 (毛翅目) 유충에 (幼蟲) 관하여
On the Larvae of Trichoptera from Korea
김재원 ( Jae Won Kim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-450-002262211

A collection of aquatic insects along the Han River, North Han River, South Han River, Nag-Dong River, Han-Tan River, some east coastal rivers and several islands South D.M.Z. in Korea by the author was undertaken over a period of 11 years from 1961 to 1971. Of the sample of aquatic insects, the Larvae belonging to Trichoptera were 54 species and following species were unrecorded by the other authors up to the present. 1. Rhyacophila sp. KA 2. R. sp. KB 3. R. sp. KC 4. R. sp. KD 5. R. sp. KE 6. R. sp. KF 7. R. sp. KG 8. Chimarrha sp. KA 9. Dalophilodes sp. KA 10. Hrdyopsyche sp. KA 11. H. sp. KB 12. H. sp. KC 13. H. sp. KD 14. H. sp. KE 15. H. sp. KF 16. Tripectides sp. KA (K; Korean species unknown, A-G; order of alphabet.) 17. Leptocerus sp. KA 18. L. sp. KB 19. L. sp. KC 20. L. sp. KD 21. L. sp. KE 22. Mystacides sp. KA 23. Neuronia sp. KA 24. N. sp. KB 25. Apataria sp. KA 26. A. sp. KB 27. Platyphylax sp. KA 28. Neophylax sp. KA 29. Astenophylax sp. KA 30. Stenophylax. sp. KA 31. Neoseverinia sp. KA 32. Dinarthrodes sp. KA 33. Gumaga sp. KA

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]