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광나루 지역산 담수어에 관하여
On the Fresh - water Fishes Inhabiting at Kwangnaroo Area in Seoul
최기철 , 전상린 , 최신석 ( Ki-Chul Choi , Sang-Rin Jun , Sin-Suk Choi
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-450-002262928

1. Survey of fresh water fishes at Kwangnaroo area of the Han-River were under taken from January, 1958 to March, 1968. The writers have collected 2.15 individuals of 54 species of fishes at there. 2. The writers expect that 6 species of Coilia mystus, Protosalanx chinensis, Acheilognathus intermedia, Paracheilognathus tabira, Misgurnus myzolepis and Hemirhamphus kurumeuswr wjll be collected in future. 3. The authors realized that Kwangnaroo area is the lower limiting region of Lampetra reissneri, Gnathopogon strigatus, Ladislavia taczanowskii, Sarcocheillichthys czerskii, Gobio gobio, Coreoleuciscus splendidus, Acheilognathus yamatsutae, A. signifer, Acanthorhodeus gracilis, Paracheilognathus rhombea, Rhodeus ocellatus, Psevdoperilampus uyekii, P. suigensis, Cobitis rotundicandata, Barbatula toni and Leiobagrus andersonii, and the upper limiting region of Cultriculus kneri. 4. Zacco platypus, Hemibarbus, labeo, Pseudogobio esocinus and Cyprinus carpio are relatively abundant in this area. and Zacco platypus is a dominat species in the area through a year. 5. It is one of the chcracteristic of this area that the fish belonging to Family Acheilognathinae is so abundant (8 species) 6. The authoos realized that the studied area should include the Cyprinus Region in fish distribution.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]