1. 6 kinds of agricultural pesticides which were spread or scatered over rice paddies, vegetable gardens and orchards in order to exterminate vermin or other diseases had an immediate influence on the elvers death. 2. Among 6 kinds of agricultural pesticides examined, Folithion & Aldrin was the most poisnous, and killed the elver within 3 minutes at 1.0ppm, on the other hend, Bla-es was the least noxious, it took 40 minutes to die for the elver at 1.0ppm. E.P.N, PTA-B, C.D.R was in sequence. 3. The life span of the elver in water pollution with agricultural pesticides was 5 hrs and 36 minutes with temperature at 26-28c. Therefore, it is concluded that the elver can not sustain life is the water of irrigation ditches affected by the agricultural pesticides which flow into them.