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선두브랜드의 디자인 전략 고찰
A Study of Design strategy for the Leading Brand
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-650-002427869

Undoubtedly it`s very hard to be a reading brand in their market of same or simmulate category product. Every brand want to be a famost` in their market. All companys desire to get a best brand in their target. Anyway if their brand had took larger market share than another brands they would be excited. Of course this event would be a biggest matter for congratulation. What is mere important event such thing? Most of company who have achieved their first purpose want to hold out such a good situation. To continue a reading brand in their market is more important than any other enterprise` actions. Reading brand could continue their position in market by perserverance in their efforts. Means of effort have many thing. It is included physical and non-physical functions. Naturally consumer like the product was improved than old product. Such a method needs a long time and a lot of money. And it is not easy to accomplish anymore because contemporary society have been changed by the communication industry. Whoever they can get a lots of general technics easily by simple instruments. During the past few years it was impossible. And so they are very hard to get a special new technic. But consumer want to keep product be improving everyday. They like sensitive shape`s product better than old fasion`s. How can you solve this probrem? Change or improve of package design could accomplish this plan effectively. Especially this strategy is the most economical and speedy. The high speed has a big power to make a favorable impression about product. Change of package design is powerful to deal with difficult situations. All the time reading brands need a economic and speedy market plan to maintain market condition. Clever consumer in contemperary society don`t like products remain unchanged anymore. Looking out for a reading brand in market, product of them have to be changed their figure. It`s just a package design. Effectiveness of good package design will be a best way to keep nice image in consomer`s mind.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]