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화장품 포장디자인의 소비자 성향과 욕구에 관한 연구 - 수입화장품에 대처할 포장디자인 전략 -
A Study on Package Design of Consumers Taste and Needs for Domestic and Overseas Cosmetic Products - Package Design Strategy against Importing Cosmetics -
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-650-002427970

In order to be beautiful and to show consciousness and authority as well as to protect one`s body the make-up has been made since the ancient times however, in the modern society in which people have more human relations it has become a living necessity using as every day whosoever he(she) is irrespective of male & female and old & young in order to leave a good image. Especially, the cosmetics is not only an image merchandise but is a field of self-coordination such as fashion, imitation axxessory^1) as its usage is very much in variety and specialized by age and season and it occupies an important position to satisfy the expressive desire of modern women who are strong in individuality. And also, the desire of consumers are various and the product life cycle by development of new product has been shortered to 1-2 years or less and the sales competition becomes much more due to launching by foreign enterprises into our country. In the manner of sales the oppeotunity for self-selection has been expanded and the product competitive power is needed much more due to such trends of change to exclusive cosmetics stores or general cosmetics discount corners from the previous sales by physical visits. The object of this research was based on those products of six cosmetics makers and reputable imported brands such as Hankook. Pacific, Lucky-De bone. Cosmetics,` Peeres and Lami Cosmetics as they have occupied 80% of the market share in 1993. Under this study the significance was placed on the problem areas and the strategy of packaging design which is being expanded along the line of imported cosmetics as well as domestic products based upon comparison and analysis of the consumers` consciousness as surveyed. The concept of package of today must be expanded to various types due to change in human living environment and business management environment and actually it is being changed. If they have done designs corresponding to the environment in the past, however, they play their roles today so that they may be leaders who attain living specialization by sensing improvement in living environment and change in socioeconomic aspects. The packaging design of today must be expanded by functional aspects that have convenience as well as safe in use and the appearance is aesthetic as well as reliable together with efficiencies of all the merchandises from the precious phenomenon under which we were satisfied by technoloy only as a new change about life and environment and recently, the consumers require for selection of harmless packaging material for preservation of grobal environment as well as restraint in excessive packaging for enhancement of product competition in the social aspects now under the circumstance the concerns about package waste in respect to environmental protection is being enhanced. In casting the packaging material the package development must also be made in the ecological aspect with the following as it is the environmental protective policy as: 4 R`s : Re - duction(decrease) Re - use(reverse) Re - cycle(re-utilization) Re - generation(reproduction) It will not be too much to say even the package itself is evaluated as a product as the cosmetics package design itself has a decorative function. Because of the above, if takes into account the point that may increase sales with production of design besides the function to make the package to protect the contents and easy in handling the distinctive plan subject to brand identity well be required in order to have competitive power among so many products improted and produced at home. In order to survive in the market place a product will be required to do consumer oriented marketing which may satisfy desire and need of the consumers and the packaging design policy to have specialization and discrimination of product market for consumers subject to change in life style, and the enterprise itself shall not spare for investment to technical sector by research

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]