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식품 및 환경 , 기타 단일배양 및 혼합배양에 의한 Benzene , Phenol 및 Toluene 혼합물의 생분해
Food and Environmental Microbiology , Others The Biodegradation of Mixtures of Benzene , Phenol , and Toluene by Mixed and Monoculture of Bacteria
이창호(Chang - Ho Lee), 오희목(Hee - Mock Oh), 권태종(Tae - Jong Kwon), 권기석(Gi - Seok Kwon), 김성빈(Seong - Bin Kim), 고영희(Yung - Hee Kho), 윤병대(Byung - Dae Yoon)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-470-002240971