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왕대속 대나무림의 물질생산 및 무기영양물 분배에 관한 연구
Biomass , Net Production and Nutrient Distribution of Bamboo Phyllostachys Stands in Korea
박인협(In Hyeop Park), 류석봉(Suk Bong Ryu)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002099535

Three Phyllostachys stands of P. pubescens, P. bambusoides and P. nigra var, henonis in Sunchon were studied to investigate biomass, net production and nutrient distribution. Five 10m×10m quadrats were set up and 20 sample culms of 2 years and over were harvested for dimension analysis in each stand. One year old culms and subterranean parts were estimated by the harvested quadrat method. The largest mean DBH, height and basal area were shown in P. pubescens stand, and followed by P. nigra var. henonis stand and P. bambusoides stand. There was little difference in accuracy among three allometric biomass regression models of logWt=A+B1ogD, LogWt=A+BlogD²H and logWt=A+ BlogD+ClogH, where Wt, D and H were dry weight, DBH and height, respectively. Analysis of covariance showed that there were significant differences in intercept among the linear allometric biomass regressons of three Phyllostachys species. Biomass included subterranean parts was the largest in P. pubescens stand(103.621t/㏊), and followed by P. nigra var. henonis stand(86.447t/㏊) and P. bambusoides stand(36.767t/㏊). Leaf biomass was 6.3% to 7.8% of total biomass in each stands. The ratio of aboveground biomass and subterranean biomass in each stand was 1.87 to 2.26. Net production included subterranean parts was the greatest in P. pubescens stand(6.115t/㏊/yr), and followed by P. nigra var. henonis stand(5.609t/㏊/yr) and P, bambusoides stand(3.252t/㏊/yr). The highest net assimilation ratio was estimated in P. pubeseens stand(2.979), and followed by P. nigra var. henonis stand(2.752) and P. bambusoides stand(2.187). Biomass accumulation ratio of each stand was 2.679 to 5.358. Concentrations of N, P and Mg were the highest in leaves, and followed by subterranean parts, and culms+branches in all three species. Concentration of Ca was the highest in leaves, and followed by culms+branches, and subterranean parts in all three species. The difference in biomass among three species stands was caused by their culm size, leaf biomass, net assimilation ratio, and efficiency of leaves to produce culms.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]