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퍼지 다목표 선형계획법에 의한 산림자원의 다목적 경영계획
Multiple - Use Management Planning of Forest Resources Using Fuzzy Multiobjective Linear Programming
우종춘 ( Jong Choon Woo )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002123596

This paper described the application of fuzzy multiobjective linear programming to solving a multiple-use problem of forest resources management. At first the concepts of linear programming, fuzzy linear programming and fuzzy multiobjective linear programming were introduced briefly. In order to illustrate a role of fuzzy multiobjective linear programming in the process of multiple-use forest planning, the natural recreation forest in Mt. Yoomyung was selected for this study. A fuzzy multiobjective linear programming model is formulated with data obtained from this Mt. Yoomyumg natural recreation forest to solve the multiple-use management planning problem of forest resources. Finally, the results, which were obtained from the calculation of this model, were discussed. The maximal value of the membership function(λ) was 0.29, when the timber production and the forest recreation function were optimized at the same time through the fuzzy multiobjective linear programming. The cutting area in each period was 102.7㏊, while total cutting area was 410.8㏊ for 4 periods. During 4 periods 57,904㎥ will be harvested from this natural recreation forest and at the same time total visitors were estimated to be about 8.6 millions persons.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]