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삽수의 (揷穗) 클론 , 모수령 (母樹齡) , 채취부위 및 발근촉진제가 (發根促進劑) 낙엽송 ( Larix leptolepis S . et Z . Gordon ) 의 삽목발근에 (揷木發根) 미치는 영향
Effects of Clones , Ortet Age , Crown Position , and Rooting Substance upon the Rooting of Cuttings of Japanese Larch ( Larix leptolepis S . et Z . Gordon )
정덕영(Durk Young Chung), 이경준(Kyung Joon Lee)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002100428

This study was conducted to develop a method of mass production by cutting of superior genotypes of Larix leptolepis and to examine the effects of ortet age, clone, crown position, and an applied plant growth substance upon the rooting of cuttings. Four different ortet ages, 2, 8, 16 and 30 years and three levels of root-promoting substances, indole butyric acid(IBA)., at 1000, 2000, and 5000ppm were employed. Greenwood cuttings were taken from mother trees in late July and rooted for three months in rooting medium containing peatmoss : vermiculite : perlite(1 : 1 : 1 by volume). with temperature controlled at 20-25℃, humidity by intermittent misting and light by partial shading in the greenhouse. Cuttings treated with 1000ppm IBA showed highest rooting, with 80%, 71%, 52%, 25% for 2-, 8-, 16-. 30-year-old ortet, respectively. Untreated cuttings showed rooting of 52%, 48%, 36%, 20% for the ortet age of 2, 8, 16, 30 years, respectively. The average number of adventitious roots decreased with increasing ortet age from 2 to 30 years, whereas IBA treatment increased the number of roots in all ages. A variation in rooting among 20 clones tested was observed. The 4 clones, Chungnam 6, and 7 and Chonbuk 1, and 9 showed good rooting of about 67%, while Kangwon 49 showed boor rooting of 40% at 1000ppm IBA treatment. When crown position was compared, cuttings taken from middle crown showed highest rooting of 60%, while cuttings from upper crown showed lowest rooting of 53%.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]