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Spline 함수와 선형방정식을 이용한 수간 (樹幹) 및 임분간곡선모델 (林分幹曲線)
Stem and Stand Taper Model Using Spline Function and Linear Equation
이우균 ( Woo Kyun Lee )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002100711

One of the essential factors to estimate the stem and stand growth is to correctly portray a stem form (profile). It is also required to numerically approximate a stem form in order to dynamically grasp and represent a stand growth. A whole stem form seems to be a conical form but a stem outline at various positions tapers off differently. Accordingly it is difficult to model a whole stand form with single taper equation. A stem taper equation with different coefficients on each subinterval can be useful tools to accurately portray a stem form. This article presents the derivation method of individual stem taper curve using spline function. It is also in this paper aimed to study how a stand taper curve car, be derived from the population of single stem taper curve in a stand. These taper equations numerically formulated enable to dynamically represent and prognosticate the development process of a stand and prepare the foundation of variety on growth model study and rational forest planning model.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]