The heavy metal contents accumulated in the birds organ were analyzed by use of 10 species of birds to investigate the environmental pollution of the birds inhabited in Mt. Chiri. Heavy metal concentrations in bird organs, e.g. muscle, liver, kidney, lung and heart were analyzed for 10 species of the birds. 1. Contents of some heavy metal elements such as Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn were similar level compared with any other district, But contents of some heavy metal elements shch as Pb, Cd and Hg were comparatively lower level than those in any other district. 2. The contents of heavy metal accumulation in the muscle of the bird organs were detected much more from the migrants than the resident birds ; the resident bird, Phasianus colchicus were detected to contain 0.01 ㎍/g og Hg and 0.05㎍/g of Cd, but in the migrant bird, Turdus dauma they were detected to contain 0.17㎍/g of Hg and 0.08㎍/g of Cd. 3. The contents of lead were scarcely detected in the muscle of 10 species of birds, but it was highly detected from the hunting (meat-eating) birds such as Phasianus colchicus (0.17㎍/g) and Streptopelia orientalis (0.11㎍/g). Generally, the concentration of heavy metals of the analyzed birds was more mercury than Cadmium.