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Ecological Studies of Protopulvinaria mangiferae ( Green ) ( Homoptera : Coccidae ) and Its Important Natural Enemies
Jong Kuk Kim
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002102442
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Ecology of the mango shield scale, Protopulvivaria mangiferae, and its natural enemies was investigated in Fukwoka both in the field and laboratory on its host tree Elaeocarpus sylvestris. The results are summarized as follows : Ecology of Protopulvinaria mangiferize 1. The mango shield scale is parthenogenetic. The lervae have 3 instars in their development. The first generation occurred from May of August. Part of the aggs laid by the first generation in early August developed to the second generation and the adult in this generation oviposited in October. The majority of the second generation and the third generation passed winter in the larval stage. 2 In Fukuoka, the crawlers (dispersing 1st inster larvae) of the first generation appear from late May to middle July, and those of the second generation from early August to early October. Their appearance reached its peak in early part of the occurring period. The crawlers disperse from 10 to 14 o`clock from ventral side of the adult and more than ninety percent of them settled within 8 hours on the leaves of Elaeocarpus sylzestris trees. 3 About 5 eggs were laid by a female per day on the average in the first generation in the field and fifty percent of eggs were deposited by the 17th day after emergence. In the laboratory about 3.4 and 2.2 aggs were laid by a female per day, and fifty percent of eggs were deposited by the 10th and 6th days after emergence, respectively under the constant temperature conditions of 25℃ and 30℃. 4 . The developmental zero and the total effective temperature of the scale were 12.0℃ and 986. 3 day -degrees, respectively, from the settled crawler to the mature adult. 5 Under 25℃ and 30℃ constant temperature conditions, the net reproduction rate was calculated as 132.6 and 44.3, and the intrinsic rate of natural increase was 0.064 and 0.059 per female per day, respectively. 6 Although the crawlers can settle and develope to the adults both on the lower and upper surfaces of the host plant leaves, they prefer the lower surface to the upper. The larval densities were not significantly different among three levels of the crown, but the adult densities were higher in the lower part of the crown than those in the middle or upper parts. The densities were not significantly different among four directions. The distribution of the adult scales per leaf cluster showed an aggregation with a slightly colonized pattern. Natural enemies of P. mangiferae 1. In Fukuoka, six primary parasitoids, three hyper parasitoids and six predators are confirmed as follows : the primary parasitoids : Aneristazs ceroplastae, Microterys flauus, Coccoplzagus yoshidae, Coccophczgus lzawaiiensis, Encarsia sp and Metaphycus sp. ; the hyperparasitoids : Cheiloneurus ceroplastis, Tetrastichus sp. and Marietta carnesi ; the predators : five coccinellids Rlzyzobius fiorestieri, Chilocorus kuwanae, Hyperaspis japonica, Pseudoscymnus hareja, and Harmonia axyrzdis, and a chrysopid Mallada boninensis 2. A. ceroplastae, M, flavus and C. yoshidae are relatively abundant among the primary parasitoids. A. ceroplastae and C. yoshidae are solitary endoparasitoid, whereas M. flavus is a gregarious endoparasitoid. Tetrastichus sp. is a hyperparasitiod solitarily ectoparasitic to the pupae of A. ceroplastae and M. flavus. At the streets in Hakozaki and Ohori Park, the dominant species was A, ceroplastae which was sometimes parasitic (facultative hyperparasitiod) on M. flavus. 3. A. ceroplastae shows high parasitisms in middle June and middle August, and ,h1. flaazzs has a much lower peak in middle June at the streets in Hakozaki. On the other hand, M. flavus shows high parasitism, and total parasitism to this scale by all the parasitiods is high in the early June on the campus of Kyushu Uniaersity. 4. On the roadside tree in Hakoz aki, the parasitism of A. ceroplastae by Tetrastichus sp. was 47% in early July, and 40-45% from September to October. The parasitism of M. flavus by T

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]