Eighteen Korean white pine (P. koraiensis S. et Z.) families were tested in 3 different regions from age 5 to 9. Family and site were significant sources of variation for seedling survival and field growth, whereas the effects of family x site interaction ware relatively small as compared with the former sources of variation. Variance components estimated from the separate and combined sites indicated that the most variabilities were associated with individual trees within plot. Family x site interaction components as a percentage of family variance decreased sharply with age. Heritability estimates varied with testing site and tree age. Combined analyses, however, showed a moderate change in heritability with increasing tree ages, and demonstrated high and stable trends of estimates, particularly in family heritabilities of tree height (h_F²= 0.789-0.798). The gains estimated from combined analysis have expected maximum or near-maximum efficiencies at age 6 or 7, Given equal intensity of selection, mass selection showed the most efficient gains within and across the sites. However, for the differences between mass and combined selections are small, selection made on the combination of family and within-family would be more effective in improving genetic gains. Indirect selection method indicated that 5-and 6-Years height were all good predictors of 9-Year-old height with little loss of relative efficiency (less than 10%) as compared with direct family selection at age 9, Phenotypic and genetic correlations computed on the basis of family mean values of height and diameter have shown predominantly high, positive, and statistically significant (1% level) relationships between all tested pairs of traits, which indicates that family growth maintained statistically consistent trends with age. The best families are those that maintained a stable superiority overall sites and ages in growth performance, therefore, it can be suggested that early identification of superior families at age 9 is feasible at age 5 or 6 in Pinus koraiensic S. et Z.