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한국산 4개 지역형 소나무천연림의 (林) 물질 현존량 추정식에 관한 연구
Biomass Regressions of Pinus densiflora Natural Forests of Four Local Forms in Korea
박인협(In Hyeop Park), 김준선(Joon Seon Kim)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002103232

Pinass densiflora natural forests of four local forms in Korea were studies to investigate effective biomass estimation method. Dimension analysis was used and three allometric regression models, such as logWt=A+BlogD, logWt=A+B1ogD²H and 1ogWt=A+ BlogD+ClogH were applied to estimate biomass, The most accurate estimation was made by the regression model of logWt=A+BlogD+ClogH where Wt is dry weight, D is diameter at breast height, and H is tree height. However, dry weights of cones and dead branches were remotely related to tree size factor, such as D and H. In the interest of practical use. generalized allometric regressions for all samples trees of four stands were computed and analysis of covariance was used to compare the allometric regressions among the four stands. Based on the test criteria applied in this study, significant differences were found in terms of error variance and regression intercept, not in terms of regression slope. These trends suggest a generalized biomass regression is not valid for accurate estimation over a range of four local form stands.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]