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SO2 에 대한 내성수종의 (耐性樹種) 선발을 위한 기초연구 Ⅱ. 인공산성우 및 산성연무처리실험 (算性煙霧處理實驗)
A Study on Selection of SO2 Resistant Tree Species Ⅱ. Artificial Acid Rain and Acid Mist Treatments
김갑태 ( Gab Tae Kim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002103358

Seedlings of 6 tree species were treated with artificial acid rain and acid mist (pH 5.0, 4.0, 3.0) and ground water (pH 6.5), to select SO₂-resistant tree species. The growth variable, leaf injury rate and chlorophyll content were measured and compared among the various pH levels. Seedling height of Rosy multiflora decreased with deceasing pH levels of artificial acid rain and was tallest at control plot, but that of Ailanthus altissima was tallest at pH 5.0 plot. For the seedlings of Robinia pseudoacacia, Magnolia obovata and Wistaria floribunda, top and root dry weights per seedling at pH 5.0 plot were higher than those at control plot. Leaf injury rate(injured leaf area and injured leaf rate) increased with decreasing pH levels of artificial acid rain, the changes of leaf chlorophyll content was slightly different among tree species. Leaf chlorophyll content of Rosa multiflora, measured during the period July to September, decreased with decreasing pH levels of artificial acid rain. Leaf chlorophyll content of Magnolia obovata increased on July, but decreased severely on September, with decreasing pH levels, of artificial acid rain.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]