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대기오염 및 산성우가 (酸性雨) 삼림생태계의 토양산도 (土壤酸度) 및 양료분포에 (養料分布) 미치는 영향
Effects of Air Pollution and Acid Precipitation on Soil pH and Distribution of Elements in Forest Ecosystem
이수욱 , 민일식 ( Soo Wook Lee , Ill Sik Min )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002103712

Four regions have been selected and surveyed to investigate the effects of air pollution and acid deposition on forest ecosystem. They were Seoul as urban region, Yeochon and Ulsan as industrialized region, and Kangwondo as uncontaminated region. Soil pH and the distribution of elements were analyzed in process of time for three years as well as by distance from pollution sources. In general, forest soils acidified in process of time from pollution sources to suburban areas. Hydrogen ion concentration in forest soils increased in 1988 as much as 60% of that in previous year. Average soil pH values in coniferous forest were 4.45 in Seoul, 4.54 in Yeochon, 4.81 in Ulsan, and 6.03 in Kangwondo. Forest soil pH increased with the distance from pollution sources to suburban areas at constant rate within short ranges (up to 30 ㎞) and at decreasing rate within long ranges (up to 200 ㎞). On the contrary, sulfur content in soils decreased every year except in Yeochon region. Base saturation of forest soils in polluted regions were all below 20% level compared with 70% in Kangwondo region. Active aluminum content in soils increased with the soil acidification at the highest rate in Yeochon, and the next in Ulsan and Seoul, Heavy metal content such as copper and zinc in tree tissues were the lowest in Kangwondo region, and the next in Yeochon, Seoul and Ulsan.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]