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상수리나무 기내 (器內) Axillary Bud 의 치상부위에따른 (置床部位) 다경 (多莖) 및 발근유도 (發根誘道) 효과
Position Effect of Axillary Buds on Shoot Multiplication and Rooting in Bud Culture of Quercus acutissima
문흥규 , 김재헌 , 박재인 ( Heung Kyu Moon , Jae Hun Kim , Jae In Park )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002104300

This study was conducted to examine the position effect of axillary buds on shoot multiplication and rooting with 1-year-old seedlings of Quercus acutissima. Shoot multiplication was greatly affected by axillary bud position: Productivity of multiple shoots were decreased in the order of top, mid and basal explants respectively. The best shoot multiplication (mean 6.1 shoots per explant) was obtained on WPM medium containing 1.0㎎/Q BAP and 0.1㎎/Q NAA using basal explant after 4-week-culture. Rooting was also greatly influenced by position. Its percentage was increased in the order of top, mid and basal explant respectively. Root initiation was better and more rapid on ½MS medium than GD medium. High rooting percentage (100%) was obtained on ½MS medium containing 0.2㎎/ℓ IBA after 15 days culture. Sucrose concentrations did not effect on rooting. However root development and shoot growth were greatly affected by them. Root was developed shortly on 1-2% levels and shoot growth was getting retarded, whereas both of them did not show significant difference at 3-6% levels. Rotting was decreased on 7-8% levels gradually, but shoot and leaf condition was better than any other concentrations. Survival rate of rooted explants in pot was varied according to the position of explants. Seedlings of top part were survived up to about 50% but most of mid and basal part seedlings did not survive over 4 weeks even in high humidity condition. Seedlings in pots showed normal growth over 10 months but most of them showed the condition of premature leaf shedding.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]