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인공소상가설에 (人工巢箱架設) 의한 야생조류의 서식생태에 관한 연구 - 경남지역을 중심으로 -
Ecological Studies on the Inhavitation of Artificial Nests by Wild Birds - Especially in Gyeongnam Province -
최재식 , 김재생 ( Jai Sik Choi , Jai Saing Kim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002123834

The purpose of this study was to investigate the inhabiting ecology of wild birds using artificial nests in Gyeongnam province. The sort of birds, the utilization of artificial nests by the materials, by the sites and by the forest type, and other inhabiting ecology of birds were investigated from 1984 to 198ti. The results obtained were as follows; 1. Wild birds in surveyed areas were classified into 20 families and 35 species. Among them the birds inhabiting the artificial nests were 6 species and those using them most frequently were Parus ater (17.2%), P. major (16.7%) and P. palustris (12.2%). 2. The artificial nests installed on the top and at the toot of the mountain were chiefly utilized by P. ater and P. major, but the artificial nests in park area were mostly used by Passer montanus and Sturnus cineraceus. 3. Sixty-one percent of the artificial nests were utilized by the birds; 45.5% were used for breeding and 15.6% were inhabitation only. 4. When different nest materials and shapes were tested, mixed nests (sawdust and cement) were used most frequently, and C type. (Diamond shape) of wood nests was used more frequently compared with the A (Roof shape) and B (Box shape) types of wood nests. Meanwhile, the birds prefered the 3㎝ hole size (81.1% of utilization) to 4㎝ of hole (57.8%) and 5㎝ of hole (24.4%). 5. The artificial nests constructed in mixed forest were more frequently inhabited (73.3%) by the birds than coniferous forest (68.3%) and broad-leaved forest (63.3%). 6. The period of egg-laying in Parus species was from late April to early May, while Eophona migratoria, Lanius bucephalus, Motacilla alba and Passer montanus laid eggs generally in the middle of May. 7. Parus species, Passer montanus and Motacilla alba laid one egg every day for 5-10days, but Eopphona migratoria laied 4 eggs in 7 days and Lanius bucephalus laid 5 eggs in 4 days. The incubation period of Parus species was 16-18 days, while the others were about 11 to 14 days. 8. Thirteen days after the hatch of Parus major, chicks reached 13.9g of body weight, 72.0㎜ of wing-length and 20.9㎜of tarsus length. P. montanus chicks reached 20.3g of weight, 66.2㎜ of wing-length and 20.2㎜ of tarsus length during the same period. 9. Food item of .feeding chicks almost consisted of creatures (98.2%) with following composition; 55.2% of insect larvae, 37.2% adult insects, 2.8% of pupae and 2.8% of spiders. Vegetable items were 2% only. Among those creature food items, 95.2% were insect pests to forest.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]