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항공사진을 이용한 우리나라 활엽수림의 임분구조에 (林分構造) 관한 연구
Stand Composition of the Broad - leaved Forests in Korea by Use of Aerial Photographs
박길홍 ( Kil Hong Park )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002104800

To investigate the stand structure of the stocked broad-leaved forests in Korea, 1,000 plots, allocated by systematic sampling method, were interpreted on the aerial photographs accompanied with ground survey. Total area of the stocked broad-leaved forests except Jeju island was 818,286㏊ and the percentage to total forest area was 12.7%. Total stock volume of the stocked broad-leaved forests was 38,890,779㎥ and the percentage to total stocked forest volume was 27.4%. Mean number of trees per ㏊ was 947 trees/㏊, basal area was 11.17㎥/㏊, DBH was 11.30㎝, tree height was 7.65m, stock volume was 44.96㎥/㏊, and current annual volume increment was 3.64㎥/㏊ in total land. The 64.7, 79.8 and 52.7 percent of the stocked broad-leaved forest area were distributed at elevations of 300-900m, in slope degree of above 25, and in northern aspect, respectively. Standfactors were apt to get better with the increase of distance from the car road way and the village, and with the increase of elevation belt.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]