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수목의 (樹木) 수분특성에 관한 생리 · 생태학적 해석 - 물참나무와 상수리나무 엽의 수분특성의 계절변화 -
Ecophysiological Interpretations on the Water Relations Parameters of Trees (Ⅴ) Seasonal Changes in Tissue - Water Relations on the Quercus grosseserrata and Quercus acutissima Leaves -
한상섭 , 최흥선 ( Sang Sup Han , Heung Seon Choi )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2008-520-002105130

Seasonal changes of water relations parameters were obtained from p-v curves in leaves of Quercus grosseserrata and Quercus acutissima. The osmotic pressure at full hydration, no, and osmotic pressure at incipient plasmolysis, trp, were high in newly emerged leaves but decreased with leaf development in each of the species. Water deficit at turgor loss was 10 to 20% in each of the species during the growing season. Maximum bulk elastic modulus in cell walls at full turgor, Emax, rises rapidly with leaf development before senescence in each of the species. Seasonal change of number of osmoles solute in symplasm per dry weight, Ns/DW, was higher in Quercus grosseserrata leaves than Quercus acutissima leaves, while relative water content (Vp/Vo, RWC^*, Vo/Vt) was relatively constant in each of the species.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]